Get ready for a totally new experience with the new mannysub inverted roller!
If you’re looking for serious blue-water performance without the excessive weight and lengh of traditional multi-band guns, wait no longer.
Mannysub inverted roller spearguns generate unbelievable power with laser accuracy and minimal recoil, making them the perfect choice for hunting large pelagics.
At last you can have really powerful spearguns firing heavy shafts without the weight and recoil normally associated with bluewater spearguns.
The smaller length and weight of these spearguns also makes them easier to maneuver under water and transport overseas, particularly when travelling on airlines.
The new Mannysub inverted roller spearguns are powered by three sets of mixed reactive and progressive Mannysub rubbers pushing an 8.5 mm double-offset-flopper shaft at maximum velocity to smash through bones on large pelagics, all with barely any recoil.
The accuracy, power and smoothness of a properly-tuned inverted roller speagun really needs to be seen to be believed.
Featuring the new Mannysub colour-coded system of red and blue wish bones and anchor points, these guns are quite easy and simple to load and depower if necessary.
Since their recent launch, Mannysub inverted roller spearguns have already taken several big Dogtooth, Blue fin tuna, Giant trevally, Cobia, Kingfish, Striped and Black marlin and more.
This speargun can also be upgraded with our new exclusive range of customized coloured carbon fibre barrels .
Models up to 120 cm come with a moulded carbon fibre track, 130 cm models come with a stick on low profile black nylon track
Available in these custom colours:
Gold (The Golden Gun)
Silver (Platinum Edition)
Red (The Bloody Gun)
Blue (True Blue)
Metallic Blue (Black carbon fibre with intertwined blue metallic filaments)
Metallic Red (Black carbon fibre with intertwined red metallic filaments)
Metallic Gold (Black carbon fibre with intertwined Gold metallic filaments)
Standard colour: Black carbon fibre – Gloss finish
Standard colour: Black carbon fibre – Matte finish