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Regular price $215.00
Regular price Sale price $215.00
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This net now features ***CHAIN BOTTOM***

Forget about drawstring tangles: using this net will be much faster and easier than ever!
Better spread due to uniform weight distribution.
Double selvage (reinforced mesh) along the chain for extra strength and durability.

Advanced assembly technique and high level of quality control leave little room for defects
With a 9m premium quality handline, you’ll be able to cast in deeper waters or from a jetty

Reliable horn prevents drawstrings from tangling

High quality 1″ monofilament mesh made for long wear with all knots double tied

Drop (Radius): 12 ft (full spread ~ 6M)

Weight of the net: 5.5 KG ( galvanised steel chain: 0.9 lb/ft – fast sinking! )

The net spreads fully (as shown on the picture). Many other nets on the market have only 75% spread (i.e. a 8 ft net spreads like a 6 ft one). This little trick saved them 40% of material and will cost you 40% of net coverage. So, if you don’t want to be cheated, buy from us!

Our aim is to bring the highest quality cast nets to Australian market. Designed for fishermen by fishermen. Here we sell directly to customers, eliminating all middlemen. That’s how we can guarantee best quality for the price.


Q: What are the advantages of a drawstring cast net when compared with bottom pocket and top pocket nets?

A: Drawstring is the only type of cast net used by American fishermen. The reasons for this are:

1. It is perfect for catching baitfish and prawns. Catching prawns & mullet with a drawstring cast net youtube videos: prawns, mullet, heaps of mullet

2. It closes from bottom thus catching more fish and prawns. In other types of cast net fish often escapes through the bottom of the net. When a drawstring net is closed, nothing gets away.

3. It can be operated much faster: you don’t have to manually pick the catch (or debris) out of the net’s pockets.

4. It can be closed before it reaches the bottom and it will retain all the catch. This is useful in deeper areas or if you have to cast over a snaggy bottom. If you pull out a bottom pocket net before it hits the bottom, you will probably lose a significant portion of your catch.

Q: I’ve been told that to get a high quality cast net I need to have it custom made, or maybe even order it from the USA… Is that true?

A: Not anymore! Cast Net HQ was specifically created to solve that problem.

Q: Does this net sink fast?

The sinking speed mostly depends on the weight of the net. Out of two nets with similar size the heavier net will sink faster. Our drawstring nets are loaded with 0.9 lb/ft chain (Compare this with other products on the market!) Moreover, monofilament nets sink slightly faster than nylon ones. With 1 lb/ft weights and high quality mono mesh, our drawstring nets were designed for superfast sinking and they will catch you more bait of better quality. On top of that, our customers often report catching decent size bream, flathead, tailor, and other fish with our nets.

Q: What mesh size should I get?

A: The sinking speed also depends on mesh size. Smaller size mesh creates more drag. We recommend 1-inch mesh for general applications (i.e. catching baitfish, prawns and mullet), and 3/4-inch mesh if you’re after smaller bait.

Q: What radius should I get?

A: It depends on your needs and casting abilities. The main idea is that a bigger net covers larger area and catches more bait/prawns/fish. If we assume that nets open fully or “pancake” and take the area covered by a 10ft radius net as 100%, then a 6ft net would cover 36%, 8ft – 64%, 9ft – 81%, and 12ft – 144%. We usually recommend an 8ft nets for beginners, 10ft nets for average fishermen, and 12ft for experienced casters.

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